
Truffle breaks Umbria record: 'black diamond' weighing 1.79 Kg unearthed

Sveva Valeria Castegnaro
copertina tartufo romolo lazzari

Romolo Lazzari and his dog Pepe discover a record-breaking truffle in the countryside of Città di Castello, Umbria. The weight? 1.79 kilograms.

A record-breaking discovery in the fields of Città di Castello: Romolo Lazzari, expert truffle hunter for 40 years, along with his six-year-old pointer dog Pepe, stumbled upon a massive summer specimen. The treasure weighs an impressive 1.79 kilograms. "It's a marvel of nature. The credit goes to my dog; I couldn't believe my eyes when I helped him unearth it with a small spade," he excitedly tells Ansa. "Without hesitation, I rewarded Pepe with a satisfying amount of dog biscuits," he adds.


The joy for Romolo, a 79-year-old founder of Bottega Tifernate (a globally renowned art reproduction company), was immense, especially since the oversize black truffle had two additional truffles attached, weighing over two hundred grams. Today, summer Scorzone truffles sell for around 500 euros per kilogram. Considering that the previous record for the largest truffle in the world, reported by Guinness World Records in 2014, was a hypogeal fungus found by Sabatino Tartufi weighing 1,890 grams (later reduced to 1,786 grams due to moisture loss during transport to New York), we are certainly dealing with an extraordinary occurrence.

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"News like this benefits the industry and brings positive signs for the upcoming truffle hunting season at the end of September. The season is off to a promising start, and barring drastic changes in temperature, we should have an abundant autumn following two years of shortage of supply and skyrocketing prices," comments Giuliano Martinelli, entrepreneur and regional president of the food sector at Cna Umbria.

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"The truffle hunt" in the upper Tevere valley is increasingly popular, attracting over 1,000 enthusiasts and an average of 4,000 dogs. "The entire industry aims to become the beacon of the economy and the promotion of the territory, with flagship events such as the National White Truffle Fair in Città di Castello," says Letizia Guerri, councilor for Tourism and Commerce of Città di Castello.

Source: Ansa

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