Starters Artichokes

Andrea Impero's Recipe for "Jewish-style Artichoke": From Street Food to Michelin-starred Dish

copertina carciofo andrea impero

The Jewish-Roman recipe for fried artichoke knows no age (and pleases everyone). But have you ever tried making it in a gourmet version? Michelin-starred chef Andrea Impero has made it elegant and theatrical. Let's discover together how to replicate the dish from Elementi in Borgobrufa.

Jewish-style Artichoke, River Shrimp, and Wild Cardoon Cream

Ingredients for 4 people

For the frying

  • 1 liter of extra virgin olive oil (first frying)
  • 1 liter of sunflower seed oil (second frying)

For the artichoke

  • 4 pieces of Roman artichoke


Trim and turn the artichoke, removing the outer leaves.

Heat extra virgin olive oil in a narrow and tall saucepan to a temperature of 130 degrees Celsius, then immerse the artichokes (which should be completely covered with oil) and maintain the temperature at 130 degrees for about 35 minutes, or until the stem is tender.

Once cooked, let them rest upside down at room temperature until completely cooled.

For the shrimp reduction

  • 400 g river shrimp
  • 100 g celery
  • 100 g carrot
  • 100 g onion
  • 100 g tomato paste


Clean and remove the heads and shells of the shrimp, keeping the flesh aside.

To make the shrimp reduction, start toasting the shells and heads in a low saucepan with a little extra virgin olive oil and the vegetables cut into mirepoix, for about 10 minutes, or until everything is golden.

Deglaze with tomato paste and finally cover with 2 liters of cold water. Boil for about 2 hours, then filter and reduce until reaching a glossy and dense consistency.

For the cardoon cream

  • 1 kg cardoon
  • 100 g flour
  • 100 g whole lemon
  • Salt to taste
  • White pepper to taste
  • Mint to taste


Trim and peel the cardoons, removing their filaments, and blanch them in boiling water with salt, flour, and lemon; cook for about 7/8 minutes and then cool.

Heat a little oil in a non-stick pan and sauté the previously blanched cardoons, adjust salt and cook for about 15 minutes with the help of a couple of ladles of water; blend everything and strain the cream for an optimal result.

Plate composition

Using a suitable steel pot for frying, heat sunflower oil to 180 degrees Celsius and immerse the artichokes, which should cook for 3 minutes until they become hazelnut-colored.

Drain, salt, pepper, and sprinkle with dried mint for aroma.

Place the wild cardoon cream on the plate, laying the raw natural shrimp pulp in the center of it. Dress with a spoonful of shrimp reduction and finally complete the plating with the whole artichoke.


Elementi Restaurant 

Via del Colle, 38, 06089 Brufa PG

Phone: 349 753 8102


Chef's photo by Lido Vannucchi

andrea impero Lido Vannucchi 2

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