Starters Vegetables

How to Create a Beautiful Salad: Endive Rosette, Edoardo Fumagalli's Recipe

copertina rosetta indivia fumagalli

Edoardo Fumagalli's Recipe: Crisp Endive Rosette, Light Cardamom Dressing, Begonia Flower Juice Sauce.

Ingredients for 2 people

For the light cardamom dressing

180g rice vinegar 

100g Kishibori Shoyu 

100g water 

10g sugar 

12 cardamom pods 

1 bunch of fresh fennel 


In a saucepan, combine all the ingredients except the cardamom, bring to a slight boil, and reduce by 30%. Add the crushed cardamom pods for infusion and let it steep for 4 hours at room temperature.

For the salad

White endive tips 

Fennel tips 

Chinese basil leaves 

Light cardamom dressing 


Gomasio (sesame salt) 

"Puffed" scented begonia millet 

Begonia flower juice gelée


From the top and center of the endive head, take out tufts for the salad. Combine fennel and Chinese basil tips. Dress lightly with extra virgin olive oil, the cardamom dressing, and gomasio. Create a round gelée and place it at the bottom of a bowl, then place the salad on top and garnish with "puffed" millet and begonia flowers.

For the fragrant "Puffed" begonia millet

30g hulled millet 

100g fresh begonia flower 


Sunflower seed oil extract 


Cook the hulled millet in a pot with plenty of water for 20 minutes. Drain, cool, and soak it in slightly salted begonia flower juice.

Let it steep for 8 hours. Drain again, spread it on baking paper, and let it dry. Fry for a few moments in oil at 190 degrees Celsius.

For the begonia flower juice sauce

350g fresh red begonia flowers 

20g lemon juice 

Butter to taste 

100g water 



In a saucepan, off the heat, mix warm water with cubed butter to obtain a well-emulsified sauce. Add lemon juice and begonia flower extract, then filter and cool.

For the curled endive rosette

2 heads of curly endive 

Central stem of endive 

50g light cardamom dressing 

3g Gomasio 

Salt to taste 

Extra virgin olive oil from Garda 

Pink begonia flowers 

White begonia flowers 

Red begonia flowers


From the lower part of the endive heads, obtain two rosettes weighing about 50g each. Cook them in salted water for 20 seconds, drain, dry, oil them, and sear them in a pan on both sides for 20 seconds.

Deglaze with the cardamom sauce and keep in the pan until caramelized.


Place the endive rosette in the center of the plate, garnish with gomasio, blown millet, begonia flowers, and thinly sliced central stem of endive. Serve with the warm sauce and a side salad. Enjoy!

Edoardo Fumagalli


Locanda Margon

Via Margone, 15, 38123 Ravina TN

Tel: 345 616 5893


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