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Jamie Simpson, la creatività come atto agricolo

Alessandra Meldolesi
jamie simpson la creativita come atto agricolo f6fc

Succede presso il Culinary Vegetable Institute di Milan, Ohio, dove il giovanissimo chef Jamie Simpson getta i semi della tecnica e della fantasia nei solchi di un progetto agricolo senza pari.

La Storia

La storia di Jamie Simpson

Ha solo 27 anni, Jamie Simpson, eppure il suo talento è già spuntato sulla scena gastronomica americana. I cotiledoni proiettati verso l’alto, prodromo di un futuro che potrebbe gettare vaste ombre tutt’intorno. Merito dell’humus giusto, quello del Culinary Vegetable Institute di Milan, che da un anno lo coccola e lo nutre. E non si tratta di una zolla qualunque, visto che rappresenta il braccio formativo di The Chef’s Garden, azienda agricola che rifornisce la ristorazione gourmet, gemellata per di più con Veggie U, programma di training nutrizionale per i giovani.

Octopus in the garden
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Prima della metempsicosi in cuoco, a dire il vero, ci sono state le intemperanze rock and roll, come membro di una band e presso uno studio di registrazione. Un concerto repentinamente sospeso a causa di problemi di salute, senza abdicare al senso del ritmo e della melodia. “Si è trattato di un cambiamento naturale”, commenta oggi. “Esiste un parallelismo fra la musica e il cibo. Un grande ristorante è una sinfonia, c’è un direttore. Al posto delle note individuali a uscire sono i piatti”. Il piano da suonare è stato prima parcheggiato in un ristorante di Charleston, poi presso il pluripremiato Charleston Grill, che ha preso l’iniziativa di spedirlo al Culinary Institute della città. Aule in cui risuonava un insegnamento interdisciplinare, compresa un’infarinatura di management, comunicazione, psicologia. Nonché il primo approccio con i prodotti di The Chef’s Garden: ortaggi baby e germogli ignoti, spediti nelle propaggini più remote del globo, dal Regno Unito al Perù.

 Salt Curred black radish. Olive oil powder. Red pepper ash. Nacino reduction. Blackberry viola



br />iola Salssify carbonara. Caramelized sasify cream. Cress. Egg. Black pepper



br />Cream of celeriac. feuille de brick. Basil. Chinese toon. Kewpie. Deviled egg purée with truffle. Red pepper ash.


Poco più che autodidatta, dal 2014 Simpson è responsabile del ristorante della casa: sopra l’imponente ed equipaggiata cucina dove opera, ferve il via vai dei visiting chef che passano per il complesso, cui è incaricato di mostrare i possibili utilizzi dei prodotti. Ciò fa di lui uno chef’s chef, in qualche maniera, visto che il suo pubblico è costituito prevalentemente da colleghi, e dei più blasonati. Ma la struttura ospita anche banchetti di matrimonio, piccole e grandi cene per il pubblico, raccolte di fondi in favore di Veggie U e per la preparazione del team che rappresenterà gli Stati Uniti al Bocuse d’Or, tanto per fare un esempio.




Jamie simpson, creativity as agricultural act.

It happens at the culinary vegetable institute in milan, ohio, where the young chef jamie simpson throws the seeds of technique and imagination in the furrows of an agricultural project unparalleled.

Jamie is only 27 years old but his talent has already been recognized across the American culinary scene. Like the cotyledon leaves bursting from a new seed towards the sun, so his talent grows, embracing the warmth from industry leaders and basking in the promise of a future focused in a rich American culinary tradition.


br />Octopus in the garden

Jamie’s journey into the culinary industry began with a deep history in music and art. As a talented and traveled musician he confesses that the excesses of rock and roll and the on-the-road lifestyle led to a desire for something fresh and new, and he moved up into his new career without skipping a beat or missing a note. “It was a natural progression,” says Jamie, “there is an easy to follow parallel between music and food. A great restaurant is very much like a great symphony.”

Jamie’s serious culinary dedication began in charleston, south carolina at the award-winning charleston grill, the culinary focal point of the city. it was here that jamie had his first introduction to the chef’s garden, the farm that was shipping baby vegetables and micro greens to the charleston grill and as far away as the uk and peru. the restaurant served as a makeshift classroom where jamie learned the discipline and mindset of a professional kitchen. here he also learned what it takes to manage and lead a kitchen team. the owners recognized his talents and his strong leadership skills and sponsored him to attend the culinary institute of charleston.

With little more than his years of experience in a professional kitchen and a degree from culinary school, jamie is now responsible for the world-class kitchen in the culinary vegetable institute that bustles with modern equipment, a full staff, and visiting chefs from top restaurants around the world. it is here that chefs can come and experiment with the products of the chef’s garden in a relaxing atmosphere just a stone’s throw away from the farm that grows and nurtures them. the culinary vegetable institute is an extension of the chef’s garden, a small family-owned farm that supplies some of the top restaurants in the world with delicate micro-greens, rare and exotic vegetables, and edible flowers.


br /> Salt Curred black radish. Olive oil powder. Red pepper ash. Nacino reduction. Blackberry viola



br /> Salssify carbonara. Caramelized sasify cream. Cress. Egg. Black pepper



br />Cream of celeriac. feuille de brick. Basil. Chinese toon. Kewpie. Deviled egg purée with truffle. Red pepper ash.

Jamie has taken residence at the culinary vegetable institute, located in milan, ohio, just a few scant miles from the southern shores of lake erie. the cvi has supported and sponsored jamie since 2013 and provided him with a place to work and thrive both creatively and as a professional.

Jamie’s strengths as a chef are apparent in the flavors he creates for his dishes, and his natural artistic sensibilities are now in the spotlight as gorgeous compositions as he gracefully constructs each plate he sends from his kitchen.

Jamie is a chef’s chef. he works day to day with colleagues from around the globe, some famous, some infamous, some on their own path to becoming future leaders in the food industry. although the cvi is a place for experimentation and building new pathways in food and food culture, it also holds events like weddings, banquets, and dinners for small and large audiences. the cvi also does a fair share of fundraising for local and national charities, for example, raising money for the preparation of the team that will represent the us in the bocuse d’or.





I Piatti

 Sea Urchin ice cream 


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“a dinner that is about a time, a place, a feeling”: questo è il suo mantra.

Senza rinunciare alle proteine animali, dalle uova di fagiano ai ricci di mare. “È mia opinione che questo paese si stia orientalizzando nel rapporto col cibo. Sono finiti i tempi in cui il pasto era composto da un 80% di proteine animali più il 20% di qualsiasi altra cosa. La proporzione pende sempre più in favore dei vegetali grazie alla loro versatilità, e noi ne siamo lieti. Ci stiamo rendendo conto che il nostro modo di mangiare non era più sostenibile e stiamo tornando ai vecchi tempi dei mercati e delle macellerie, all’autoproduzione, a inscatolare, stagionare e cucinare in proprio. Stiamo attraversando un momento critico, che può essere considerato una autentica rivoluzione”.


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 Rabbit in the garden



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 Frozen honey parfait . Orange gelee. Citrus marigolds



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Quali trucchi utilizzi per esaltare “the flavour of the farm”? “Grassi, fermentazione, tempo e tecnica. Grassi perché molti composti aromatici dei vegetali sono solubili solo nei lipidi. È il motivo per cui la nostra dispensa trabocca di varietà di olio di oliva e di burro, grassi affumicati, oli estratti da vegetali o erbe, grassi di vitello, anatra, oca, manzo, foie gras, cera d’api non raffinata, burro di cacao… Poi c’è la fermentazione, processo che può risultare utilissimo per dinamizzare una ricetta, senza il quale i sapori tradizionali della fattoria non sarebbero gli stessi.

Tomato St agur. Curry granita. Creme Fraiche. Compressed Brussel leaves. Candid Orange.


Abbiamo elaborato un miso di sedano rapa, un Camembert di latte locale stagionato nell’erba del pascolo, un kimchi di cavoletti di Bruxelles, una bottarga di uova stagionate. E il tempo, un valore che l’Italia conosce da sempre, mentre la nostra nazione soffre di macrofobia, ovvero del terrore di attendere. Molti americani stanno iniziando a capire che per i grandi prodotti occorre tempo, ed è questo il nostro asset più prezioso. Poter coltivare progetti di vasto respiro è uno dei grandi vantaggi di un ristorante non tradizionale come il nostro”.

Extruded carrot rigatoni with carrot bolognese



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“Sono ortaggi che ci piace valorizzare in tutte le loro parti, senza scarti. Le carote ad esempio in un drink al Cartizze con fiore di carota, poi come carote fritte e granulate, per rendere biodisponibile il betacarotene attraverso grassi e cottura. In versione disidratata e reidratata, a fini di stoccaggio e per spingere un brodo, e ancora estruse sotto forma di rigatoni a base di polvere e succo da condire con polpa di carota alla bolognese, per finire con il duo di torte di carota”.

Vegetables on the snow
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Una ricetta iconica? “Il dripping di pesce di Gualtiero Marchesi mi ossessiona da anni. Il concetto è brillante: si tratta di un omaggio a Jackson Pollock. Viene servito in modo un po’ caotico, come quei dipinti. La sapidità incontra l’acidità, che incontra grassi e aromi. Questa ricerca dell’ispirazione fuori dai confini del food ha cambiato la mia vita. Chef Gualtiero Marchesi, se mi legge, grazie!”.




Sea Urchin Ice Cream
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“a dinner should be about a time, a place, a feeling,” says jamie, “in my opinion this country had been led away from its relationship with food. but if you look now, the days are gone when a meal was composed of 80% protein, and 20% something else. now the proportions hang increasingly in favor of vegetables, mostly due to their versatility, and i’m happy about that. we are realizing that our way of eating was no longer sustainable and we are going back to the old ways of shopping at farmer’s markets and butchers, we are growing food ourselves, canning and preserving, cooking on our own. we are living in a critical moment in food history, which can be considered a real revolution. "


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 Rabbit in the garden<

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 Frozen honey parfait. Orange gelee. Citrus marigolds



br /> Tomato


What methods do you use to enhance the flavors of the farm? simpson: fats, fermentation, time, and technique. fat because many aromatic compounds of plants are only soluble in lipids. it's why our pantry is full of variety of olive oils and butters, smoked oils, pigments extracted from plants or herbs, veal fat, duck, goose, beef, foie gras, unrefined beeswax, cocoa butter ... Then there is the fermentation process that can be very useful to energize a recipe, without which the traditional flavors of the farm would not be the same.

St Agur. Curry granita. Creme fraiche.Compressed brussel leaves. Candied orange


We have developed things recently like a celeriac miso, a local milk camembert aged in the grass from the pasture where the cow grazed every day, a kimchi of brussels sprouts, a chicken egg bottarga with black truffles. “time is a value that italian cuisine has always understood in its relationship with food. our country suffers from macrophobia (the fear of long waits). americans are starting to realize now that it takes time to make great products, and here at the culinary vegetable institute it is one of our greatest assets. to be able to cultivate these products on a large scale is one of the great advantages of what we do. we are fortunate not to have to worry about the traditional role of opening a restaurant every day.”

Extruded carrot rigatoni with carrot bolognese 

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Every part of a plants life offers something new and unique to the plate.™ we try to use every part of these vegetables to enhance a dish. lets take the humble carrot for example. we created a six course tasting menu placing the carrot on its well deserved pedestal aside from mirepoix. the dinner can be seen at


br /> Vegetables on the snow

When asked about an iconic dish that changed the way he looked at food, jamie had this to say:

“A dish that haunts me and has for years is Chef Gualtiero Marchesi’s “Fish Dripping” dish. It was prepared in numerous different ways but one in particular is described simply as “Squid and Clams with Aïoli's, Squid Ink, and Tomato Sauce”

The concept is brilliant, it’s an homage to the love of art. this dish is served clean but still somehow chaotic, it resembles one of jackson pollock’s paintings.the flavors and ingredients can’t not work: salinity meets acidity meets fat and aromatics. how many different ways can these and have these ingredients been presented? this particular approach to re-thinking inspiration outside of the confines of the food world changed my life. chef gualtiero marchesi, if you read this, thank you.“


The culinary vegetable institute

12304 mudbrook road - Milan, OH 44846

Tel: +1419 499 7500


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